Iceland Game Replay: NOW!

One exit from Europe can be accepted, but two cannot.
Mark Pougatch said something like this the other day and he is absolutely right.

england.flag wavingYou have to have at least a two goal margin, to reduce the element of chance. Surely it is not acceptable to give Championships away by pure chance?
This is why, we need at least a two goal margin.
A two goal margin has less probability resulting from chance alone than a one goal margin has. Science proves that.

Consequently, it is required for a game in a European competition to be decided by at least a two goal margin. England lost by a one goal margin, the tiniest of margins possible.
This is, why we demand a replay, why a replay has to take place.

Surely, the people’s will cannot be represented by chance results. It is good democratic practice to base decisions on the will of the people. Fortune favouring a small Island of approximately 300,000 inhabitants, enabling them to impose their will on a much bigger Island with more than 100 times that number of English people, is unacceptable. While there are such things as the need to guarantee minority rights, this is not one of these cases.

Especially so, as you good clearly see that English players did not know, what they were doing. They were entirely without a game plan. They had obviously no sense of what it is they are getting into. Their disconcerted looks after the game prove their inability to comprehend the scale of disaster they brought on their nation.

By contrast, the team of Iceland is an old team. Much older on average than the English team. The English team is a young team, robbed of its chances in the European Championship by a much older assemblage of men, who knew exactly what they were doing to England, who were eager to humiliate this great football nation.

Humiliation by purpose and defeat by chance are unacceptable.
A replay is, what is required.

We demand UEFA to table a replay.
But we will not resort to bribery, although bribery might be the best means to get a replay. However, bribery is the means to recover a lost cause. Ours is a just cause.

We will raid the electoral register and randomly assign each second name to the list of supporters of this claim, bearing in mind, that some English, despite being English, might not be interested in Football. We urge all English to come forward and support our claim for a replay. We urge especially the BBC and ITV, the Guardian and the Daily Mail to report about this just cause.

Supporters are expected to express their support in the commentary section.

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